Sunday, July 17, 2011

Java 8.0 Wishlist (Take 2)

Ok so it's it been a while since my last article on this topic...

The comments of course have been first rate, with opinions on the wish-list have ranged from outright agreement to threats of violence for even having such boneheaded ideas.

It's all good of course, the thing that I love about the Java community is that we take the ideas and actually question them. Something I felt the .Net world could do more with.

But anyway It's worth going through the list and giving a little rationale and meat on the wish-list, specifically on those that seemed to generate a lot of comments, so here goes...

Now I'm going to debate the OO nature of properties. Fact is that - for better or for worse - JavaBean style properties have become baked into Java and it's frameworks. So why not at the bare minimum tell the compiler you want to generate getter and setter methods with syntax sugar. And yes IDE's generate this for you, but I'd still prefer for the sake of brevity get rid of code that does stuff all.

Operator Overloading.
Easily the most contentious point. However let me give you my background: I recently did a lot of work doing monetary calculations. which  defined in an Excel spreadsheet by an Actuary. The only way I could get Java code to match the excel spreadsheet was to use ye olde BigDecimal. The code that came out is painful to say the least, mostly due to the lack of operators. Now BigDecimal is on the operator overloading todo list for Oracle, however it's painful having to wait, and the fact is that it's hard to build very expressive arithmetic types in Java.

Alternative deployment formats besides the JVM and  a classpath.
Ok this one seemed poorly presented. Basically I want to be able to compile a set of Java classes down into a native executable and deploy that. Even if all the executable does is wrap the classes together with a JVM. You ask why; that's easy I want to run Java apps on iOS.

Parameter names in method calls.
Ok so lets assume I have a method as follows:
public void crappyGFXtask(int startx, int starty, int secondx, int secondy, int lastx, int lasty)
I dare you write the code to call it, leave it for a few days and then go back to it, and see if you can make sense of the parameters. Named parameters simply give you ability to map the parameter names to values ala Objective-C so your call to the method would look something along the lines of:
crappyGFXtask(startx:10, starty:11, secondx:25, secondy:40, lastx:myVariable, lasty:myVariable)

Proxies on Abstract classes.
Yes Spring does this already, but guess what: I don't use Spring in every Java project I do (yes pigs are flying). It's a generally useful feature and JDK support would be sweet.

Ok hope that clarifies things.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm busy warming up to Scala. Apart from the weird syntax every now I then I find it a nice and expressive language.